Termites In The Yard
Having termites in the yard or garden is one of those problems that many people face, and for a very good reason. Termites always try to find new places to live, and a garden offers quite a lot of interesting and appealing things for them. The moisture and food these termites can get from the garden is what makes that place very appealing to them, and it’s certainly a thing to take into consideration.
Where exactly will you find termites in your yard?
It depends, but in many cases, you will have termites in stumps and trees, because they are known to reside particularly in those locations that have a lot of moisture. But that’s not all, even fences and retaining walls can be a very good place for termites to live without that much of a hassle.
And of course, anything made out of timber within your garden is something that will attract termites. That’s why using timber for any construction outside can be dangerous, since it will appeal to them. Which is why concrete is a safer and better option. You also don’t want to cover weep holes or anything like that, finding the right way to address this can be a huge difference.
Do watering systems in your yard attract termites?
The short answer is yes, moisture is always something that will attract termites, so it’s a good idea to address that the best way that you can. Any watering system, AC, hosing, plumbing issues are things that you want to maintain and address if there are issues. If not, you will most likely see a termite infestation soon, so that’s certainly something to focus on as much as possible. It might not seem like a major problem at first, but this will become an issue in the long term, and that’s certainly something you want to keep in mind.
What can you do if you have termites in your yard?
The first thing you need to do is to not panic, instead you need to calm down. After that, you may want to move anything made out of timber, so the infestation won’t spread with ease. And, of course, you want to call a team of experts that will help you get rid of termites as quickly as possible. We are here to offer comprehensive ways to remove termites from any property, don’t hesitate and contact us today for more information!